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To all our current and future clients:

Rest assured Keller, Keller, Caracuzzo, Cox & Belluccio is open for business and continuing to zealously advocate for our clients, while taking measures to protect the health of clients and staff during the Covid Pandemic.

For potential new clients:  A new client conference can occur remotely through videoconferencing.  Or, if an office conference is preferred, please know that all clients will be provided with a new KN95 mask to wear during their appointment and to keep, thereafter, for the client’s own personal use.  All conferences occur on an office floor separate from the main office.  The conference room is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected after each use.

For current clients: please know that we continue to push your cases forward despite the crisis.  Depositions, mediations and court hearings are all being held via videoconferencing.  As always Keller, Keller, Caracuzzo, Cox & Belluccio are here for you during these difficult times.

Should you have any questions about your case, or wish to discuss a potential new case,  please call our office at 561-655-3133.
