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Concussion, TBI, and Mild Closed Head Injury

Doctors at the American Migraine Foundation report the following observations from their patients:

  • Mild traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are common.
  • Mild TBI (concussion, for example) can be caused by a shaking of the head, e.g. whiplash.
  • Concussions and other TBI can be associated with significant disability.
  • Concussion does not require loss of consciousness.
  • A head injury in a minor car accident can lead to post-concussion syndrome (PCS), a “set of complaints that a person experiences for weeks, months, or sometimes years after a concussion.” PCS symptoms can include: headaches, dizziness, fatigue, irritability, insomnia, cognitive issues, noise sensitivity, ringing in ears, loss of sense or sensation, and more.

Head injuries are serious, and they deserve to be taken seriously. Experts have long warned that many concussion victims wait too long to seek medical care, assuming their injuries aren’t “serious enough” to see a doctor, or that they will get better on their own. There are 1.4 million cases of TBI in the United States each year, and 45% of them are caused by motor vehicle accidents. Even in minor collisions, if you experience the symptoms of concussion, it is reasonable to suspect that you may require immediate medical care.

Other Serious Injuries Associated with Minor Car Accidents

While whiplash, concussion, and TBI represent the most common neck and head injuries in minor car accidents, they aren’t the only ones. The human body is fragile, and it is not designed to withstand the forces of collision. Every accident is unique, and injuries can take many forms. Speed is one factor in a car accident, but it isn’t the only factor. While catastrophic or life-changing injuries are relatively rare in low-speed collisions, they are not unheard of. Moreover, even less extreme injuries may warrant the filing of a claim. It is important for victims to understand that their right to recovery is not necessarily tied to the speed of collision or the amount of property damage in the crash. 

If you or someone you or someone you know has been injured, please contact Keller Keller Caracuzzo, Cox and Bellucio at Contact Us HERE or call us at (561) 655-3133

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